Wir sind so durch den Wind

Spam: Dear Friend

2016-08-25 von Torsten in Kategorie Prügel vom Windmühlenflügel

Ach, ich hab’s doch schon immer gewusst: Es ist total leicht, zum Millionär zu werden! Und es geht sogar ganz ohne Tellerwäscherei und solche lästigen Dinge. Nein, man wartet einfach ab, bis man eine E-Mail bekommt, in der einem freudig berichtet wird, bei irgendeinem Geldinstitut im entferntesten Ausland läge eine gewaltige Summe Geldes, auf die man doch Anspruch habe. Och, und um mal eben auf die Schnelle Multimillionär zu werden, da gibt man doch gerne seine gesamten persönlichen Daten an, wie den vollen Namen, das Alter, den Beruf und den Familienstand, und natürlich ist man auch gerne bereit, eine Kopie des Personalausweises mitzuschicken.

Für eine so dumm gemachte Junk-Mail gibt es eine Tracht Prügel vom Windmühlenflügel!

»Dear Friend ,
My name is Mrs Michelle A Smith from Federal reserve Board covering the Citi bank in Wichita Falls and Denton, also Assistant to the Board and Director of federal reserve system. I contacted you, after i have look into your profile.I will like us to handle a transaction of $56 Million Dollar, that have be abandon for years by one of our late customer that have the same last name with you. Since i work in Federal reserve, i want us to legally move the fund out. You will only apply as the beneficiary for the claim as the next of kin or family relative, since you have the same last name with our late customer. I will send you the remittance department detail that you will contact for the claim of the fund. I will send you the deposit certificate and formal letter that you will forward to the remittance department for the claim of the fund.

We will share the money 50/50% once the fund have be release to you, and to your nominated account. Please i don’t want you to tell anyone about this, because i do not want anyone to know my involvement on this deal, since i work with the federal reserve system. I need your trust and honestly on this deal. Most of the top bank officer make their money through this kind of deal. I will like to talk to you on phone for more detail. Please before i proceed with this deal. I want you to assure me that this transaction would be keep secret between both of us, that you will not inform any one about this. And also assure me that you will be capable of handling this transaction, because this is just the first transaction, there are still more transaction that we will do after this. Please provide me with your information on the below form.

(1) Full name
(2).Residential address, not P.O.Box
(3). Cell phone/Telephone and fax numbers.
(4). Occupation.
(5). Age
(6). Marital status.
(7). A copy of your identification.
Awaiting your prompt respond.
Mrs Michelle A Smith«

– Aus einer Junk-Mail

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